ASPSH Online Sexual Health Workshops

Learn about a variety of topics in sexual health throughout the year from knowledgeable facilitators at your own pace.

Our online workshop calendar typically follows the academic calendar year. We often offer workshops in the summer months as well so interested participants have the opportunity learn about sexual health throughout the entire year.

Why Online Learning?

Our world is filled with poor sex education, stigmatized conversations, multicultural communities, and emerging sexual and gender fluidity. The sexual health field is blossoming and comprehensive knowledge is in-demand.  ASPSH's online workshops are designed to provide information, stimulate discussion, and create opportunities for you to grow your skills and further your career and passion.

Learn at the convenience of your own home or work. Day or night. Urban or rural. You'll have access from anywhere across Canada or around the world. To date, we have offered over 200 online workshops to sexual health professionals, nurses, teachers, parents, students, and other individuals interested in sexual health.

What is the workshop format?

The platform we host our workshops on, Thinkific, is an easy web-based learning tool that anyone can learn to use. Step by step instructions will be provided and support is available. ASPSH typically offers 2-3 module workshops, where one module is shared each week. The duration of our online workshops is 2-3 weeks and you can complete each module at your own pace while the workshop is offered. Each module takes approximately 1 hour to complete and includes:

  • Two Suggested Readings/Articles

  • PowerPoint Slides

  • Two Activity Worksheets

  • Two Discussion Questions

  • Two Additional Resources

  • Workshop Evaluation (after the last module)

How much do workshops cost?

Member rate: $60

Student rate: $30

Student non-member: $50

Non-member rate: $85

ASPSH Membership:

Membership in ASPSH is of interest to persons and representatives from community agencies and institutions who:

  • Have an interest or provide services in the area of sexual health, education, counselling or clinical services

  • Are supportive of the concept that all individuals have the right to comprehensive sexual health information

  • Promote tolerance and understanding in matters of human sexuality and sexual health

Members of ASPSH receive:

  • Notices of upcoming workshops and events

  • Reduced registration fees for workshops/conferences

Membership costs:

  • Student rate = $20

  • Individual rate = $40

  • Organizational rate = $100 for up to ten staff members per organization. Each additional staff is $5 more.

ASPSH welcomes the expertise of our valued facilitators. We acknowledge our workshops as reflective and supportive of a variety of perspectives that encourage discussion and dialogue and as such, the information presented is that of the workshop facilitator(s).

We are always interested in offering workshops on new topics. If you would like to share your expertise and offer a workshop on a topic in sexual health, please email ASPSH’s Education Coordinator,, with your idea.